Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Other Veterinary Care

How to Overcome Fear, Anxiety & Stress About Your Pets’ Dental Care


Reading Time: 3 minutes Even though periodontal disease is the most common disease in both cats and dogs1, many pets don’t get the dental care they need due to the fear, anxiety, and stress (FAS) they experience when going to the veterinarian. And that stress affects not only the cat or dog, but the owner, too. Two things need […]

Cats Dogs Life at Home Other

How to Be the Perfect Pet Sitting Client


Reading Time: 3 minutes What information does your pet sitter need to efficiently care for your home and pets? After 25 years as a pet sitter, I find it falls into two categories: pet care and “all that other stuff.” Here’s how to ensure that your pet sitter knows the most important details about your animal’s care. Meals, Meds, […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Other Senior Pets Veterinary Care

Anxiety Often Accompanies Cognitive Dysfunction


Reading Time: 4 minutes If your pet has cognitive dysfunction—canine or feline dementia—you may have noticed that he seems to be more anxious than in the past. That’s a common side effect of the condition, but there are ways to manage it. Aging dogs and cats have problems similar to those of elderly humans, and not just physical ones: […]

Dogs Life at Home Training & Grooming

When Your Dog Is Afraid of Men: What To Do


Reading Time: 4 minutes Does your dog wag her tail and act happy when women and children come close, but crouch down, roll over on her back, and pee whenever a dude greets her? Does she tuck her tail between her legs, pace around the room, or bark, growl, and snarl when a man shows up? If so, perhaps […]

Cats Dogs Other Training & Grooming Veterinary Care

Dental Care “Dos” for Your Pet’s Good Oral Health


Reading Time: 3 minutes Keeping a dog or cat’s mouth healthy is a key part of overall good health; after all, the mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body. Here are some ways to keep teeth clean without feeling as if it’s a chore for you and your pet. There is nothing more affectionate than big […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties New Pets Shelters & Fostering

Reading to shelter pets can lower stress, improve adoption chances


Reading Time: 4 minutes Who doesn’t love being told a story? Dogs and cats are no different. Here’s how shelter reading plans can improve pets’ chances of adoption. Imagine you are housed in a shelter, suffering loud noises from other anxious animals and smelling scents that definitely aren’t from a home. You enjoy little social interaction and are confined […]

Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Training & Grooming

Taking The Blues Out Of Doggie Bath Time


Reading Time: 3 minutes Lots of dogs don’t like bathtime because they are uncomfortable in the bathtub or shower stall. Fortunately, if you follow the Boy Scout credo of being prepared, it’s easy to turn bathtime into a fun time and get a dirty dog clean again. The primary reason dogs are hesitant to climb into the tub or […]

Activities & Enrichment Dogs Fears & Anxieties Holidays Life at Home Travel & Safety

Fun And Stress-Free Ways To Include Dogs In The Howl-idays


Reading Time: 3 minutes Holidays are family time, whether you celebrate Christmas, Yuletide, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, or any other special celebration. Since dogs are part of the family, we want to include them. But along with the pleasures of holiday decorations and visiting guests come mounting stresses for humans as well as pets. Here are some ways, gathered […]

Activities & Enrichment Birds Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Holidays Life at Home Other Travel & Safety

12 Safety Tips For Happy-Pet Holidays


Cat with candles

Reading Time: 3 minutes No one wants a trip to the veterinary emergency room, a vomiting cat, or a down dog to spoil the holiday season—let alone empty out the family wallet. Here’s how to avoid mishaps and keep pets happy. Candles Burn Bright: Curiosity can kill. If a candle is knocked over, a house fire can start. A […]

Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Training & Grooming

Why Does Your Dog Turn Tail At Thunderstorms?


Reading Time: 2 minutes If your dog is fearful of storms with thunder, lightning, hail, or high winds, you’re not alone. There are no statistics on the numbers of pets with storm phobia–or to give the fear its scientific name, astraphobia–but it’s likely that the prevalence of this type of noise sensitivity in dogs is 20 percent or higher, […]