Dogs Life at Home

Hear, Hear. Dogs Detect Differences Between Languages, Gibberish


Reading Time: 3 minutes Do dogs study language? New research shows they may have better language abilities than we realize.

Equines Uncategorized

Why We’re Partners: How Horse and Human Brains Work Together


Reading Time: 3 minutes Horses and humans have been partners for some 6,000 years. What makes us a good team? One reason is that our brains work in complementary ways. Understanding how horses think and how your own brain works is key to developing a strong relationship. If you love horses, ride, work with horses in any way, or […]

Activities & Enrichment Dogs Life at Home Senior Pets Training & Grooming

Tips and Tactics to Work Your Senior Dog’s Brain


Reading Time: 3 minutes The outward sign of a dog’s senior status is often the gray muzzle. But aging is also occurring within your dog’s body, including the brain. Fortunately, experts confirm what we have always hoped: You can teach an old dog new tricks and the payoff may result in a healthy brain up for new challenges. “Yes, […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Other Senior Pets Veterinary Care

Anxiety Often Accompanies Cognitive Dysfunction


Reading Time: 4 minutes If your pet has cognitive dysfunction—canine or feline dementia—you may have noticed that he seems to be more anxious than in the past. That’s a common side effect of the condition, but there are ways to manage it. Aging dogs and cats have problems similar to those of elderly humans, and not just physical ones: […]

Activities & Enrichment Dogs Fears & Anxieties New Pets Training & Grooming

Fear, stress, and puppy brain development: what to know


Reading Time: 4 minutes The dog brain is very different from that of wild dogs, so that in some ways puppies are born ready to fit into the human world. But the puppy brain still has a lot of developing to do after birth, and understanding that process is important to raising confident, well-adjusted dogs. It’s now generally believed […]