Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Other

Are You the Cause of Your Pet’s Stress?


Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s not only people who suffer from stress; our pets most certainly do, too. The question is, could you unknowingly be the cause of some of your pet’s anxiety? Everyday noises and events that humans take for granted, for instance, can cause pets to be fearful and anxious. And because pets, like people, react differently […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Dogs Life at Home Other Travel & Safety

Hitting the Road: Summer Travel Tips


Reading Time: 4 minutes I love to take summer vacations with my husband and our dogs, Rio and Peach. It’s a thrill to pack the car and drive to an idyllic campground here in Colorado or head west to explore the off-leash dog beaches of Southern California or north to Wisconsin to splash around in refreshing lakes – checking […]

Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Training & Grooming

When Your Dog is Afraid of Fireworks: What To Do


Frightened dog hiding in blanket

Reading Time: 4 minutes Is it noise aversion? Does your dog run and hide or start panting and shaking when children in the neighborhood set off firecrackers?  Has your dog run away during the Fourth of July celebration?  If so, your dog likely suffers from noise aversion, also commonly known as noise anxiety or noise phobia.  Noise aversion affects […]

Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Travel & Safety Veterinary Care

Re-connecting with Your Best Friend: Understanding Canine Motion Sickness


small dog pomaranian spitz in a travel bag on board plane

Reading Time: 3 minutes As the summer approaches, many of us will be traveling to fun places and hoping to bring our dogs with us. In fact, a recent study showed many pet parents travel with their pets every year!1  It turns out most of us take our dogs with us on daily errands (bank, gas station, coffee, etc), […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Dogs Life at Home Other

12 Toys and More Your Pet Will Love


Reading Time: 5 minutes Each year we trek to Global Pet Expo in Orlando, Florida, to check out the latest and greatest in toys, training devices, and other pet paraphernalia. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to walk the miles and miles of aisles to see all the products. We chose items in four categories: Dog Enrichment, Cat […]

Dogs Life at Home Training & Grooming

Dog Bites: 6 Ways to Prevent Them


Reading Time: 3 minutes No one knows how many dog bites occur each year, but the Centers for Disease Control and the American Veterinary Medical Association estimate the number is between 4.5 and 4.7 million. More than 800,000 of the people bitten receive medical attention for dog bites, and most bites happen to children, from dogs the family knows—often […]

Dogs Life at Home Training & Grooming

Reducing the Risk of a Dog Bite: Setting You and Your Dog Up for Success


Sunset silhouettes woman and dog on the walk

Reading Time: 5 minutes Owning a pet is a big responsibility. Dog owners are responsible for not only the health and safety of their pet but also protecting people from injury. Most dogs will never bite, but it’s important to remember that any dog, regardless of breed or type, can bite under certain circumstances. It’s Not the Breed Just […]

Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Travel & Safety Veterinary Care

Re-Connecting with Your Best Friend: Understanding Canine Motion Sickness


small dog pomaranian spitz in a travel bag on board plane

Reading Time: 3 minutes As the summer approaches, many of us will be traveling to fun and hoping to bring our dogs with us. In fact, a recent study showed many pet parents travel with their pets every year!1  It turns out most of us take our dogs with us on daily errands (bank, gas station, coffee, etc), and […]

Cats Dogs Holidays Life at Home

Food Poisoning? 13 Things Your Pet Shouldn’t Eat or Drink


Reading Time: 3 minutes The word toxic comes from the ancient Greek word toxikon, meaning “poison for arrows.” While swallowing poison darts rarely occurs among pets, here’s a list of foods that are dangerous to share with our best friends with four legs or feathers. Alcohol: Letting or encouraging pets to drink alcohol is dangerous. We know grapes are harmful […]

Activities & Enrichment Dogs Life at Home Training & Grooming

Does Your Dog Want to be a Therapy Dog?


Reading Time: 4 minutes Making therapy visits can be great enrichment for the right dog and make you feel good about giving back to the community. But it’s important that therapy pets love their work, and for some dogs it may be too stressful. If you’re considering getting into this, make sure your dog will be an enthusiastic partner. […]