Dogs Training & Grooming Veterinary Care

Give It a Chin Rest


Reading Time: 3 minutes I had just started a private training lesson when I noticed the little Poodle’s right eye was swollen, with yellow-greenish goop gathering in the corner and seeping down the side of his nose. He kept winking at me, clearly uncomfortable. “Has Buddy seen your veterinarian?” I asked. “Poor guy, his eye looks awful!” “I just […]

Cats Dogs Life at Home Training & Grooming

Giving Pills Doesn’t Have to Be Stressful for You or Your Pet. Here’s How to Do It


Reading Time: < 1 minutes It doesn’t have to be hard to give your pet a pill, and it’s a skill that both you and your pet should master. That way you can be sure your cat or dog is getting the treatment they need. Our Fear Free handout can help you give your pet medication with less stress for […]

Fears & Anxieties Other Training & Grooming

Giving Medication to Birds Without Fear and Stress – for Birds or Humans!


Reading Time: 3 minutes Administering medications to birds can be challenging and stressful to everyone involved. For many bird owners, the thought of administering medications brings up images of capturing their frightened or aggressive bird who is rarely handled, wrapping him in a towel, forcing foul-tasting medications into their beak, and possibly getting bitten for their efforts. Rough handling […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Other Veterinary Care

What’s a PVP? An Expert Explains


Reading Time: 3 minutes If you have a dog or cat who is fearful, anxious, or stressed during veterinary visits, the veterinary team may have recommended that you give your pet a PVP, or pre-visit pharmaceutical. These are medications that may be used in addition to training or behavior or environmental modifications to treat fear, anxiety, or stress associated […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Other Senior Pets Veterinary Care

Anxiety Often Accompanies Cognitive Dysfunction


Reading Time: 4 minutes If your pet has cognitive dysfunction—canine or feline dementia—you may have noticed that he seems to be more anxious than in the past. That’s a common side effect of the condition, but there are ways to manage it. Aging dogs and cats have problems similar to those of elderly humans, and not just physical ones: […]