Cats Life at Home Travel & Safety

Cat Up A Tree? How To Get Him Safely Down


Reading Time: 2 minutes Reading Time: 2 minutes Increasingly people are keeping cats indoors only. More than 65 percent of the feline population never goes outside, according to the American Pet Products Association. But…

Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home

Feline Body Language: What Your Cat’s Eyes Tell You About His Emotions


Reading Time: 3 minutes …2017 recipient of the prestigious Fear Free Pets Award. She writes about pet care, health and behavior, and cats in the arts. She’s also the author of “Cats for the…

Cats Fears & Anxieties Veterinary Care

Fear Free Handling—And Tuna—Turn Vet Visit From Sad To Glad


Reading Time: 2 minutes …have been terrified. The exam wouldn’t have gone as well, and no one wants a pet to have a poor experience. And with one poor experience—don’t think pets don’t remember–the…

Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home

How Dogs “Yap” By Using Their Tails and Ears


Reading Time: 3 minutes …a Fear Free certified professional. “A dog delivering a set and fixed gaze is cause for concern, and you definitely do not want to reach to pet that dog. And…

Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home

Telling Tails About Cat Emotions


Reading Time: 3 minutes …If your cat’s tail is moving this way, she has had enough of petting, grooming, or other interaction. Your cat is telling you in the strongest way possible to stop…

Activities & Enrichment Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Training & Grooming

5 Simple Ways To Keep Cats (And Yourself) Calm While You’re Gone


Reading Time: 3 minutes …Put everything in writing so the pet sitter has something to refer to if necessary. Knowing that you have chosen a dependable person who will show up and who can…

Cats Life at Home Veterinary Care

Keeping Yourself Fear Free While You Wait for Your Cat’s Diagnosis


adorable sweet kitten biting hand and playing with luxury bride and looking with cute big eyes

Reading Time: 3 minutes Reading Time: 3 minutes A few months ago, my cat and I endured a stressful experience at a pet emergency hospital. Those of us who love our cats have been…

Cats Life at Home

Do Cats Love Us? Science Says Yes!


Reading Time: 3 minutes …half hours, and then were offered various stimuli, one at a time. In one session, a person (not the cat’s owner) spoke to the cats, and offered petting and a…

Activities & Enrichment Cats Fears & Anxieties Holidays Life at Home

Make Holidays Friendly for Felines


Reading Time: 4 minutes …rare ones who doesn’t mind, go for it and print up some cards. Same thing with visits to Santa at the local pet store. Unless your cat is leash trained…

Cats Dogs Life at Home

Can cats and dogs get along? Science says yes


Reading Time: 4 minutes …and dogs got along. The majority of the 748 owners thought their pets had pretty good relationships. On a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 was “can’t stand each…