Dogs Fears & Anxieties Veterinary Care

An Itchy Dog’s Journey


Golden Retriever Dog on dock

Reading Time: 4 minutes Bodie, a 3-year-old Golden Retriever and one of the millions of dogs suffering from allergic itch, recently saw his veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. His journey with itch, however, is just beginning. Dogs with atopic dermatitis (allergy to environmental triggers) and their families face a lifelong challenge of managing the ups and downs of itch. […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Other Veterinary Care

Calling All Itchy Pets: August is Itchy Pet Awareness Month!


brown dog scratching

Reading Time: 4 minutes In 2019, Zoetis Petcare launched Itchy Pet Awareness Month, recognized each year in August, in order to help bring awareness to the millions of pets with skin disease and to provide resources for pet owners and veterinarians to identify and manage pet itch. Skin allergy is consistently among the top reasons that pets visit the […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Other Travel & Safety Veterinary Care

Curbing Vet Visit Fear: The Curbside Approach to Veterinary Dermatology Visits


Reading Time: 5 minutes This is Sophie. She’s a very good girl, but has been itching constantly. While her family, the Fosters, have enjoyed extra time at home together recently, Sophie’s scratching, chewing, and biting her skin is driving everyone crazy! And she’s not alone. Allergic skin disease is one of the most common reasons that pets need veterinary […]

Cats Dogs Other Veterinary Care

Telemedicine: Keeping Veterinary Dermatology Fear Free in the Time of COVID-19


Man working at home and holding his liitle dog.

Reading Time: 4 minutes While the world practices social distancing and self-quarantine, pet owners are spending more time with their pets. The extra cuddle time with animal family members can be beneficial for humans’ physical and emotional health1,2. Spending so much time together also gives pet parents an opportunity to notice when something might be wrong with their dog […]

Dogs Life at Home Veterinary Care

The Itchy Dog, Part 5: Tips to Reduce the Stress Associated with Your Dog’s Itch


Itchy dog licking paw

Reading Time: 5 minutes You are not alone if your dog is itchy with skin or ear problems!  It is the number one reason pet owners like you seek help from a veterinarian.1 In fact, 7.5 million dogs were treated by veterinarians last year for skin and ear problems.2 Did you know that August was Itchy Pet Awareness Month? […]

Dogs Life at Home Veterinary Care

The Itchy Dog, Part 4: How Dermatology Diagnostic Tests Help Your Veterinarian Help Your Pet and Reduce Anxiety and Stress


Veterinarian with Boston Terrier

Reading Time: 6 minutes In the previous post in this series we talked about two big tips for helping reduce the anxiety and stress that patients with skin disease may experience. The first was stopping the itch by visiting your veterinarian and committing to therapies that are effective, work fast and get the pet back to normal again. The […]

Dogs Life at Home Veterinary Care

The Itchy Dog, Part 3: Taking the Stress Out of Fall Allergies


Papillon Dog Rubbing Face in fall field

Reading Time: 6 minutes The joy of fall! he sun rises a little later and sets a little earlier, temperatures start to drop, and the ragweed pollen counts skyrocket. As people and pets spend time outdoors together, dogs are exposed to environmental allergens. Fall allergies to environmental allergens lead to itchy skin, a condition called atopic dermatitis. The uncomfortable […]

Dogs Life at Home Veterinary Care

The Itchy Dog, Part 2: The Roller Coaster of Emotion


Reading Time: 4 minutes Itch can erode the bond between you and your dog. Itchy dogs are often up at night scratching and preventing others in the house from sleeping, or are banished to separate rooms of the house because their skin smells bad. This can make you desperate to try anything for relief from the itch and skin […]

Dogs Life at Home Veterinary Care

The Itchy Dog, Part 1: Your Questions Answered


Reading Time: 5 minutes You are not alone if your dog is itchy with skin or ear problems. Itch is the number one reason pet owners seek help from a veterinarian.1 In fact, 7.5 million dogs were treated by veterinarians last year for skin and ear problems.2 We know skin disease can decrease quality of life for a pet […]