Reading Time: 5 minutes Are raucous family holidays an assault on your pets’ nerves? How to cope.
Reading Time: 5 minutes Are raucous family holidays an assault on your pets’ nerves? How to cope.
Reading Time: 3 minutes Many communities are at risk of natural disasters that affect people and animals. What to know to ensure you all get out safely.
Reading Time: < 1 minutes The car ride to the veterinary clinic is often when pets start to become frightened about the upcoming visit. Our handout explains how you can help your dog or cat stay calm and comfortable so that arrival is less stressful.
Reading Time: < 1 minutes We’re not fans of declawing surgery, but you may have adopted a cat who has been deprived of claws. Cats without claws have special needs and may be subject to residual pain from the toe amputation. Our handout explains why and offers advice on ways to help her stay comfortable, navigate her surroundings with confidence, […]
Reading Time: 4 minutes If you are bringing your pets on an RV camping trip, how can you make sure that the trip is Fear Free, safe, and fun for all? We asked some experts for tips.
Reading Time: 4 minutes A move can put any pet’s tail in a twist when it disrupts their routine. Here’s how to reduce or eliminate the angst.
Reading Time: 3 minutes Ramps can be invaluable tools to help make pets–old and young–safer and more comfortable.
Reading Time: 3 minutes Our dogs need mental and physical stimulation all year round. With a little ingenuity, you can keep your small dog happy and active even in winter months!
Reading Time: 3 minutes Florida resident Britani Atkinson was sitting on her porch, catching up with her brother and other family members who’d just arrived for a visit, when her teen son called her cell phone. His urgent message: “You need to come inside and see this.” Atkinson rushed in to find their 5-year-old yellow Labrador Retriever, Link, lying […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes You see them everywhere, and you may think kinda cool, a dog walker with anywhere from four to a dozen and even more dogs all strolling together in what are sometimes marketed as “power walks” or “pack leader walks.” A more accurate term may be “precarious walks.” Dog walkers can be a valuable benefit, assuming […]