
Reading Time: 4 minutes A move can put any pet’s tail in a twist when it disrupts their routine. Here’s how to reduce or eliminate the angst.
Reading Time: 4 minutes A move can put any pet’s tail in a twist when it disrupts their routine. Here’s how to reduce or eliminate the angst.
Reading Time: 3 minutes Holiday celebrations include visits to or from family and friends. Since we consider cats and dogs part of the family, holiday visits that include them require special preparations. Changes to routine can increase fear, anxiety, and stress in everyone, especially our pets. Hitting the road also raises stress levels, so unless your pets adore car […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes National Pet Month celebrates all things pets. For those who adore cats and dogs or other critters, our animal companions impact us in so many ways we can’t imagine living in a world without them. That begs the questions, how (and why) are pets so important to us? The Love Connection As social creatures, humans […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes Is shedding a big hairy deal at your house? Our black German Shepherd used to shed drifts of hairy tumbleweeds that turned cream carpet to gray. Now Bravo the Bullmastiff’s short red hairs transform our socks into fuzzy slippers. Karma-Kat’s short silver fur and Shadow-Pup’s gray undercoat cling to upholstery and clothing, and float through […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes Everyone who shares a home with a dog deals with poop on a daily basis. While it may not be the most appealing topic, learning about your dog’s “output” offers important insight into his health. Not only his food, but also your dog’s environment and emotional state, affects how his body works. Fear, anxiety, and […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes Medicinal hemp products have not been subject to rigorous FDA oversight, but many pet product companies tout multiple health benefits for pets. In addition to potential health claims, the anxiety-reducing potential makes it an attractive “natural” option for pet parents with fearful pets. Rob Silver, DVM, a holistic veterinarian and founder of, and veterinary pain […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes We know that senior people partnered with pets benefit from the companionship and numerous health benefits. Walking the dog and playing with the cat offer exercise opportunities and lower blood pressure, for example. I like to call it the “Pet Effect.” Sadly, many seniors have difficulty feeding themselves, let alone their animal companions. Even if […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes Our cats are sensory creatures, but we often overlook their acute sense of smell. Using scent to enrich their environment offers inexpensive, effective, and fun ways to keep your cats happy, stress free, and healthy. Why Enrichment Matters An outdoor cat can chase butterflies, climb and claw trees, munch grass and mark territory, stalk critters, […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes When Karma-Kat showed up on our back patio, the 8-month-old kitten had been on his own for some time. Starved for attention, and for food, he ate anything and everything. Karma chewed through the dog food bag to munch kibble and practiced snatch-and-grab attacks to gobble food from our dinner plates. Our last dog, Magic […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes When I worked as a vet tech many years ago, we didn’t routinely “take pets to the back” for treatment. Emergency visits, or pets not easily handled, were the exceptions. But more often than not, dogs and cats had their temperatures taken, vaccines administered, routine blood and stool samples procured, all while in the presence […]