Dogs Fears & Anxieties

Dog Bite Insurance Claims: Why Are They Rising?


Reading Time: 3 minutes Something’s going down with our relationship with “man’s best friend,” and it’s not the number of dog bites. According to an article in the April 12, 2023, Insurance Journal, the number of dog bite claims since 2003 has gone from 7,359 to 17,597: a whopping increase of 139 percent. That number far exceeds the corresponding […]

Shelters & Fostering

Photographer’s Innovative Idea to Help Shelter Pets Goes Viral


Reading Time: 4 minutes Florida photographer Adam Goldberg knows that a picture not only “paints a thousand words” – a good photo can help a shelter pet get adopted. Since 2016, the professional photographer has volunteered his services once a month at the nonprofit Humane Society of Tampa Bay. He spends time photographing dogs, cats, rabbits, and “pocket pets” […]

Cats Dogs Shelters & Fostering Veterinary Care

Innovative Shelter Program Saves Parvo Puppies and FeLV Cats – and Helps Others Do It, Too


Reading Time: 3 minutes Innovative Shelter Program Saves Parvo Puppies and FeLV Cats – and Helps Others Do It, Too Jen Reeder A shelter’s groundbreaking initiative to save dogs and cats with dreaded viruses – canine parvovirus and feline leukemia – all started in a veterinarian’s bathroom. Back in 2008, Ellen Jefferson, DVM, president and CEO of the Texas […]

Fears & Anxieties Veterinary Care

Why Fear Free Care Is the Right Choice for Your Pet


Reading Time: 3 minutes Many pet owners have experienced the heart-rending sight of their beloved furry friend trembling, hiding, or acting out of character due to the fear and anxiety of a trip to the veterinarian. These reactions can be distressing for both the pet and the owner. Thankfully, there’s a revolutionary approach reshaping the veterinary landscape: Fear Free […]

Dogs Veterinary Care

 FAQs for Pet Parents: Canine Influenza


Reading Time: < 1 minutes Canine Influenza, also known as “dog flu” or CIV, is a viral disease caused by two major strains within the United States. The original H3N8 strain was first reported in 2004 in racing greyhounds, but the more recent H3N2 strain was responsible for the 2015 epidemic that spread rapidly to over half the country and […]

Dogs Veterinary Care

 Fear Free Vaccine Experience for Canines


Reading Time: < 1 minutes Your veterinarian may have shared the importance of vaccines for your pup a time or two. That’s because vaccines not only round-out your dog’s protection against infectious diseases, but also allow you both to spend quality time together doing some of their favorite activities without the fear of what could happen. Be sure to talk with […]

Cats Dogs Veterinary Care

The Vital Importance of Immunology


Reading Time: < 1 minutes Our friends at Elanco are passionate about protecting you and your pets so that you can live your happiest, Fear Free life together! Even though newborn puppies and kittens are initially protected by antibodies passed down from their mothers, this protection gradually decreases over time. As you know, in order to maintain immunity, our pets […]

Dogs Fears & Anxieties Holidays

Snug as a Bug in…Thunder?


Reading Time: 3 minutes When you think of summer, what comes to mind? For me, it has always been beachy weekends and holiday gatherings with family and friends. Even hammock-lounging, agenda-less summer days were associated with blissful tranquility, until, that is, I shared those dog days of summer with my best fur pal Bug. For Bug, summer, specifically the […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties

6 Ways to Calm Your Pet’s Thunder Fears


Reading Time: 3 minutes Summer is almost upon us! For most, warmer weather represents a joyous time to be outdoors enjoying nature with friends and family.  For some pet owners, however, it signifies the start of thunderstorm season, with resulting anxiety for furry family members. Insights from Fear Free certified professional trainers can help you lessen your pet’s fear, […]

Dogs Training & Grooming

Headed to the Groomer? You’ve Got Homework


Reading Time: 5 minutes I get about three similar calls a week. Sometimes, callers are a bit coy. “My groomer said my dog was … er, um … well, we could use some help training him to behave.” Other times, they’re up front, “My groomer gave me your number. She said my dog tried to bite her when she […]