Exotics New Pets

Leopard Geckos for Beginners


Reading Time: 4 minutes If you’ve never had a pet reptile before, the leopard gecko is a good place to start. These little lizards are charming and easier to care for than many other species. “Leopard geckos are beautiful, with lovely colors and markings, huge bright eyes and sweet faces. They are delightful to watch, curiously exploring their environment […]

Cats New Pets

The Right Time to Bring Home a New Kitten


Reading Time: 4 minutes What could be more joyful than a new kitten? A fluffy, adorable, silly, fun new feline family member has been shown to improve human lives in so many ways, from allergies and cardiovascular health to mental wellbeing. So, what is the right time to bring home a kitten? When You Are Ready You will need […]

Cats Dogs New Pets Other Shelters & Fostering

Adopt a Pet Online? Here’s How Shelters Are Making It Work


Reading Time: 3 minutes Like many animal lovers, Lili Chin decided to adopt a pet during the coronavirus pandemic. After the death of her beloved dog Boogie, the author/illustrator of the book “Doggie Language: A Dog Lover’s Guide to Understanding Your Best Friend” and her husband decided to branch into cats. With COVID-19 raging in Los Angeles, they reached […]

Life at Home New Pets Other

Busting Bunny Myths: What to Know Before You Get One


Reading Time: 3 minutes People continue to buy rabbits at Easter. Unfortunately, when that is a spontaneous decision, it is typically a wrong decision. While rabbits can be wonderful pets, they’re often paired with young children, which is hardly ever a good idea. Here are 10 things to know about keeping rabbits as companion animals. When purchasing a washing […]

Cats Life at Home New Pets Veterinary Care

The Cost of Cat Companionship


Reading Time: 4 minutes From aww-dorable kittens to Zen seniors, our feline companions provide us emotional comfort, unconditional love, and priceless purrs. If you’re one of the estimated 42.7 million U.S. households with a cat, congratulations! You’ve gotten everything on your supplies list to ensure your new BFF will have the best life possible: high-quality cat food–check. Litter and […]

Dogs New Pets Training & Grooming

From Pup to Show Dog: How It Happens


Reading Time: 5 minutes Being a show dog is the canine equivalent of entering beauty contests. There are many levels to work through. Getting to Westminster (which has been postponed this year due to the pandemic), the National Dog Show, or one of the other large benched shows is like being in the finals for Miss America! The road […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home New Pets

Kitten Meetups With All Creatures Great and Small


Reading Time: 4 minutes So you’re thinking of adding a kitten to your menagerie. The little voice in your head tells you it will make your family complete. Or an orphan shows up on your doorstep with saucer eyes and a fluffy coat, begging for a handout. Introducing the newbie to your existing crew requires patience and caution. Keep […]

Activities & Enrichment Dogs New Pets Training & Grooming

Old Tricks for New Puppies


Reading Time: 3 minutes Tricks are perfect for puppies. They’ll help your puppy learn to pay attention to words, and to you; they’ll demonstrate the joys of cracking a joke and making people laugh; they can reinforce training; make for a better partnership; instill confidence in a new puppy; and give you, the human partner, a chance to show […]

Dogs Life at Home New Pets

Mutts Make Great Friends! We Celebrate Them on National Mutt Day


Reading Time: 2 minutes Whether you call them mutts, mixed breeds, Heinz 57s or some other moniker, who doesn’t love a canine cocktail? It’s no wonder that we have a special day to celebrate them: National Mutt Day, which falls on December 2 this year. Whether you are looking for a dog who will love everyone, alert you to […]

Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home New Pets Shelters & Fostering

Feral to Friendly-ish: Cats Coming in From the Cold


Reading Time: 4 minutes A major conundrum of the cat world is the profusion of feral cats. Robin Olson, president of Kitten Associates in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, recently trapped the most beautiful tabby-marked Siamese kitten in her yard. Dubbed Silas Buttonwood, he will be vetted, neutered, fostered, and placed in a loving home. He is proving to be a […]