Cats Dogs Travel & Safety

This Major Airport Plays Music to Soothe Traveling Pets


Reading Time: 3 minutes Earlier this year, travel got a lot more relaxing for animals in transit through New York’s John F. Kennedy Airport (JFK) thanks to a simple pleasure: music. At The ARK at JFK, dogs and cats can de-stress while listening to music specifically designed for animals by Zoundz Music for Pets, which plays in the kennels, […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home New Pets

Create a Fear Free Environment by “Catifying” Your Home



Reading Time: 3 minutes When I first became aware of the concept of “catifying” a house, I fell in love with the idea of my cats having a place to not only live, but to thrive. I asked two experts in cats and design for their tips on making a house that’s comfortable for and welcoming to cats. “Catification […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Other Veterinary Care

Fear Free Injection Training for Your Diabetic Pet


Reading Time: 5 minutes When you’re the pet parent of a diabetic pet, the last thing you want is to have them associate their insulin injections with something scary. Some diabetic pets will need insulin every 12 hours for the rest of their lives, and if they don’t get their injections regularly because they’re hiding or trying to bite, […]

Cats Dogs Veterinary Care

The Vital Importance of Immunology


Reading Time: < 1 minutes Our friends at Elanco are passionate about protecting you and your pets so that you can live your happiest, Fear Free life together! Even though newborn puppies and kittens are initially protected by antibodies passed down from their mothers, this protection gradually decreases over time. As you know, in order to maintain immunity, our pets […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties

6 Ways to Calm Your Pet’s Thunder Fears


Reading Time: 3 minutes Summer is almost upon us! For most, warmer weather represents a joyous time to be outdoors enjoying nature with friends and family.  For some pet owners, however, it signifies the start of thunderstorm season, with resulting anxiety for furry family members. Insights from Fear Free certified professional trainers can help you lessen your pet’s fear, […]

Cats Dogs Training & Grooming Travel & Safety

Help Pets Adapt to Hearing Loss


Reading Time: 3 minutes Growing up, we had the cutest little black-and-white Shih Tzu named Caterpillar. He was good-natured and playful, pulling toilet paper from the roll until it unraveled and climbing on top of our board games so he could become the center of attention. As he aged, Caterpillar gradually began to lose his hearing. It was difficult […]


Easy Fixes for Happier Cats


Reading Time: 4 minutes Whenever cat foster Carolyn Mitchell used to turn on her bathroom faucet to wash her hands, an orange and white cat named Spike would rush to her side. “He would come screaming in,” she recalls. “He wanted to drink out of the sink.” Spike refused to drink or eat out of small bowls because he […]

Cats Fears & Anxieties Senior Pets Veterinary Care

Being a Fear Free Advocate for Your Pet


Reading Time: 5 minutes I’ve always been the vet for my pets, handling their medical needs and surgeries as they aged and ensuring that their care was as Fear Free as possible. When I became a relief vet in 2020, filling in at different clinics around my area, I no longer brought my pets to work. I took on […]


Fear Free Feline Photo Shoots


Reading Time: 4 minutes Every year, you send out the same holiday cards. Recently, you’ve been getting more photo print cards of entire families and you want to try it out. You need to get everyone to the photography studio, including your cat because, after all, she’s part of your family. You’d love some single shots of kitty, too, […]

Cats Veterinary Care

Stress-Less Ways to Get Medicine Into Your Cat


Reading Time: 4 minutes Cats are famously difficult to medicate successfully. Fortunately, compounding medications and customizing them to a cat’s particular tastes is becoming more common. Such meds allow veterinarians to better treat their feline patients and pet parents to successfully administer the treatment. Cats are particularly sensitive to bitter tastes, and many cat parents often recount their devious […]