Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Travel & Safety

Minimizing Fear, Anxiety & Stress for Your Vision-Impaired Pet


Reading Time: 5 minutes While I hate exercising in general, walking our Poodle mix Dorie around our neighborhood is a pleasure because I love seeing all of her senses engaged. She’s sniffing the air, sniffing the ground, holding her cottony tail high, and like the Terminator, constantly scanning for enemies. Squirrels and grackles both incite Dorie’s wrath, but by […]

Cats Dogs Life at Home New Pets

Special-Needs Pets Conquer Hearts and Homes


Reading Time: 3 minutes Special-needs pets often surprise adopters with their ability to overcome challenges. Meet seven dogs and cats who don’t let anything stand in their way. “If the ball of fur you bonded with has three legs, only one eye, or needs a wheelchair, he may not be physically perfect, but he just might be perfect for […]