Birds Other

Birding Beats Anxiety, Brings Peace, in a Chaotic World


Reading Time: 5 minutes …and calls creating a single all-encompassing symphony. The air felt fresh and new, smelling almost sweet. The just-rising sun spangled the trees with a soft, ethereal light. It was spring…

Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home

Cat-cophony? Take The Fear Out Of Loud Noises


Reading Time: 3 minutes …King Charles Spaniels. Want to stay in the loop on the latest and greatest in keeping your pet happy and healthy? Sign up for our free newsletter by clicking here!…

Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Travel & Safety Veterinary Care

Take The Scare Out Of Care


Reading Time: 3 minutes …ear handling, at a slow pace that allows the cat to stay relaxed. Pair the experiences with rewards the cat enjoys: treats,  petting, or a play session. Purr’manently Positive Protect…

Dogs Life at Home Training & Grooming

Why Does My Dog Look Guilty?


Reading Time: 2 minutes …It’s up to us, as caring and savvy pet parents, to do the same for the fur-kids that we love. This article was reviewed/edited by board-certified veterinary behaviorist Dr. Kenneth…

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

Enriching Cats: What You Need To Know


Reading Time: 2 minutes …A recent study that monitored 60 pet cats roaming a suburban area discovered cats frequently engage in dangerous behavior. They cross busy roads, put themselves in close contact with other…

Cats Life at Home Training & Grooming

Ringing The Kitty Dinner Bell


Reading Time: 3 minutes …diet that made them feel bad in only one meal and remembered that aversion up to 80 days later. This built-in mechanism could be misinterpreted by pet cats. For instance,…

Dogs Life at Home Training & Grooming

A Gnawing Habit


Reading Time: 2 minutes …a couple of times a week. That keeps your pet happy and your favorite property safe from his teeth. Ask for Help Stress and anxiety can fuel chewing. A Fear…

Cats Life at Home Training & Grooming

Cat Potty Buddies


Reading Time: 2 minutes …a benefit for kitty), your pet will repeat the routine over and over again. The top reason cats like bathrooms is we reward them for the behavior, whether intentionally or…

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

Beyond Catnip: Can Scent Enrich Your Cat’s World?


Reading Time: 4 minutes …is to enrich the lives of resident animals, but it’s something most pet owners rarely think about. Evidence has shown that when animals live in dull environments void of enrichment,…

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

Cat Critter Gifts


Reading Time: 2 minutes …cats were domesticated centuries ago, the instinct to hunt remains. Whether feral feline, barn cat, indoor-outdoor pet (to a safe enclosure of course!) or exclusively house kitty, many cats channel…