Cats Life at Home

Cat Talk: What Does “Elevator Butt” Mean?


Reading Time: 2 minutes For cat lovers, one of the most common feline postures can be puzzling. We know that cats communicate not only with meows and purrs, but also with scent and body position. A comical posture of happy, healthy cats, something I call “elevator butt,” actually communicates different information depending on the cat. The pose looks similar […]

Cats Senior Pets Veterinary Care

Feline Hospice Offers a Fear Free Path To a Life’s End


Reading Time: 2 minutes Cats these days can make the most of their nine lives, thanks to advances in veterinary care, nutrition and just love from their people. The day comes, though, when nothing more can be done to save their lives, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that euthanasia is an immediate next step. Pet hospice programs can help […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

To Make Cats Happy, Offer Choices, Enrichment


Reading Time: 3 minutes Cats can make great pets when we learn what each one needs to thrive, and then meet these needs. When we do, we have cats who are friendly, active, and safe. That makes them the great “low maintenance” companions we enjoy. But when things go wrong, fear, anxiety, and stress can be the result in […]

Dogs Life at Home Training & Grooming

Help! My Dog Pees on my Bed!


Reading Time: 3 minutes You’ve had a long day and all you want to do is slide in between the sheets. As you do so, however, you feel a cold wet spot. Ugh! Your dog has urinated on your bed. Why Does This Happen? Many theories have been offered as to why some dogs urinate on their owners’ beds. […]