Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

Winter Blues: Do Cats Get SAD?


Reading Time: 4 minutes On one of my first trips to the Pacific Northwest I noticed a highway marker on I-5 just north of Salem, Oregon, that reads: “45th Parallel Halfway Between the Equator and North Pole.” Hailing from the sunny climes of the Southwest, I pondered what that meant. On average, the 45th parallel north gets just over […]

Cats Life at Home

Does This Belly Pouch Make Me Look Fat?


Reading Time: 4 minutes  At 12 weeks old, Ivan was a bear of a kitten, hinting at his full adult Siberian size. He had the most adorable baby fat paunch I took as a sign that the husky boy never missed a chance to belly up to the milk bar. We adopted Natasha from our shelter the day after […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home

They’re Not Loners: Cats Can Have Separation Anxiety, Too


Reading Time: 4 minutes It’s a worn-out myth that all cats are aloof, independent, solitary. In reality, they can be highly social and form strong bonds with humans and other animals. Most people are familiar with separation anxiety in dogs, but research suggests that cats, especially those who are deeply attached to their people, also experience separation anxiety when […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

What Movement and Gait Tell You About Your Cat


Reading Time: 3 minutes Feline movement could be described as grace on paws. Cats have a variety of movements and gaits and can instantly switch from a slow, sensual walk to a slinky strut to a full-on burst of speed. Recognizing your cat’s movements is one of the keys to understanding his emotions and behaviors. Form Defines Function As […]

Cats Life at Home Veterinary Care

Keep those claws! Why cats need them


Reading Time: 3 minutes Recent studies show that declawing can significantly increase the risk of long-term adverse effects on feline physical and emotional health, including chronic neuropathic pain, biting, and an increased likelihood of house-soiling. Here’s what you should know if you’re considering this procedure for your cat. Declawing is an emotional, controversial, and divisive topic. Some people consider […]

Cats Life at Home

Feline Physics: How The Righting Reflex Helps Cats Stick A Landing


Reading Time: 3 minutes Amazed by your cat’s acrobatic skills? Feline physics is the secret to dramatic leaps and landings. Cats are equal parts mystery, myth, and masters of physics who have confounded scientists and owners for ages with seemingly impossible feats. A cat’s uncanny ability to land upright from a fall is a physics mystery that has perplexed […]

Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home

Hold Tight? Not When It Comes To Cats. Here’s How To Pick Them Up And Hold Them


Reading Time: 3 minutes When we see a feline fluff ball, we want to scoop her up and cradle her in our arms like a baby. This may be a natural behavior for us, but not so much for cats. The feeling of feet off the floor is stressful to some cats and they may squirm to get down, […]

Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home

Face Talk: What Your Cat’s Whiskers Tell You About His Mood


Reading Time: 2 minutes Cats are superheroes complete with uniquely feline super powers. One of their super powers is nonverbal communication. Their body language is so subtle that it almost seems telepathic. The cat’s head is the command center, comprising the communication triad of the eyes, ears, and whiskers. Holy Cat Whiskers! Whiskers, or “vibrissae,” are so vital to […]

Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home

Ears To You: Listen To What Your Cat’s Ears Say


Reading Time: 3 minutes Let’s face it, cat ears are cute. The fashion industry, clearly smitten, offers a wide array of cat ear headbands for our personal adornment. Cuteness aside, though, cat ears are fascinating for their form and function. Beyond providing cats with superior hearing and helping them maintain their storied balance, the ears are also part of […]

Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home

Telling Tails About Cat Emotions


Reading Time: 3 minutes From bobtail to slender “whippy” to magnificent plume, cats carry their tails proudly. Like a semaphore flag, the feline tail is a visual signal that communicates emotions up close and at a distance. Flexible, the tail moves up, down, high and low, back and forth. It may be straight, curved entirely, or curved only at […]