Cats Shelters & Fostering Veterinary Care

FIP News: Is a Cure at Hand?


Reading Time: 6 minutes A diagnosis of FIP used to be a death sentence, but that’s changing. Like the disease itself, the story is complicated. Here’s what we know now. First, and most exciting, attending researchers agreed that FIP should now be called “treatable,” at least potentially, and perhaps “curable.” A conference about FIP took place last November, drawing […]

Cats Life at Home Shelters & Fostering Veterinary Care

Smokey, Cured of FIP and Living to Meow About It!


Reading Time: 3 minutes Peter Cohen of Santa Barbara, California, has made feline infectious peritonitis his personal cause, having lost two kittens to the dread disease. He now has a third, Smokey, who is a survivor. Cohen’s first experience with FIP, a fatal viral disease in young cats, was in 2012 when he adopted a pair of litter mates, […]