Cats Training & Grooming

From Hiss to Kiss: Helping Feral Kittens Blossom


Reading Time: 5 minutes Tara, the farm manager, discovered them on the edge of the herb farm’s property, under the porch of the shuttered farm store. After feeding the two hungry and scared kittens for a week, Tara was able to grab them. They hissed, scratched, and bit her, but she got them into a carrier and brought them […]

Cats Shelters & Fostering

Cats Wanted; Dogs Need Not Apply


Reading Time: 3 minutes Like humans, animals need a purpose in life. Although dogs are often in the spotlight for the jobs they do, cats are not to be outshone. Working cats have their own areas of expertise, going beyond the familiar entry-level job of barn cat. As a feral cat rescue and socialization facility, the Kitty Bungalow Charm […]

Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home New Pets Shelters & Fostering

Feral to Friendly-ish: Cats Coming in From the Cold


Reading Time: 4 minutes A major conundrum of the cat world is the profusion of feral cats. Robin Olson, president of Kitten Associates in Sandy Hook, Connecticut, recently trapped the most beautiful tabby-marked Siamese kitten in her yard. Dubbed Silas Buttonwood, he will be vetted, neutered, fostered, and placed in a loving home. He is proving to be a […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home

Living With a Fraidy Cat: Tips From the Field


Reading Time: 3 minutes Nemo is one of those gorgeous longhaired cats you just want to pick up and cuddle. Sadly, this has never happened. After 12 years, this fearful cat is still a work in progress. I rescued Nemo as a feral kitten being hunted by hawks and brought him inside to live with me. There were two […]