Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home New Pets Shelters & Fostering

Better Together? A Kitten Combo is Fun and Smart


Reading Time: 3 minutes Thinking about a kitten? Consider adopting two. Acquiring a pair of kittens is good for their physical and emotional health and fun for their humans. Here’s what to know. Anne is a curious caramel tiger kitten, who chirps sweetly to herself as she goes about her day, jumping in and out of laps, proudly carrying […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home New Pets Shelters & Fostering

Remedial Kitty Socialization: Smoothing Rough Edges


Reading Time: 4 minutes If kittens don’t receive appropriate handling and socialization early in life, they can develop undesirable habits. Here’s how to help tame their behavior. Mollie was turned in to the shelter when she was approximately 4 weeks old, a singleton with no mom in sight. She languished in a cage until we saw her photo posted, […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties New Pets Shelters & Fostering

Reading to shelter pets can lower stress, improve adoption chances


Reading Time: 4 minutes Who doesn’t love being told a story? Dogs and cats are no different. Here’s how shelter reading plans can improve pets’ chances of adoption. Imagine you are housed in a shelter, suffering loud noises from other anxious animals and smelling scents that definitely aren’t from a home. You enjoy little social interaction and are confined […]

Cats Fears & Anxieties New Pets Shelters & Fostering Veterinary Care

Fear Free Handling Techniques Help To Rescue, Care For Displaced Cats


Reading Time: 5 minutes On the morning of November 8, certified veterinary assistant Samet Kaplan left his three-bedroom mountain home in Magalia, California, for the 30-minute drive to work at the Chico Hospital for Cats. The sky was cloudless and blue. “But just as I reached downtown Chico, I looked in the rearview mirror and all I saw was […]

Cats New Pets Shelters & Fostering

Cats And Kittens Give And Find Love At VMX


Reading Time: < 1 minutes When veterinarians and technicians go to conferences, it’s not all lectures and luncheons. In Orlando, Florida, last week, the Cat Nap Cafe offered VMX (Veterinary Meeting and Expo) conference attendees a chance to get their feline fix away from home, playing with cats and kittens in the exhibit hall. All the cats were available for […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home New Pets Senior Pets Shelters & Fostering

How to Help a Senior Cat Adapt to Life in a New Home


Reading Time: 2 minutes Margaret Slaby loves animals, so for a time she worked in animal care at a shelter in Monterey County, California. But after two and a half years, she had to call it quits. “I saw a lot of older cats didn’t make it out of the shelter simply because they were older, and it just […]

Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home New Pets Senior Pets Shelters & Fostering

New Family? How To Help A Senior Dog Adapt


Reading Time: 3 minutes Last year my husband and I did something incredibly rewarding: adopted a senior pet. We wondered if Peach, a little 8-year-old Poodle rescued as a stray, would find it challenging to adapt to life in a new home with us and our Labrador Retriever mix, Rio. But the adoption coordinator suggested I feed Peach canned […]

Cats Holidays Life at Home New Pets Shelters & Fostering

Is It Crazy To Bring A Kitten Into Your Multi-Cat Household During the Holidays? Not If You Prepare


Reading Time: 3 minutes You’re contemplating adding a kitten to your multi-cat household, and the holidays are fast approaching. There’s plenty to think about with this scenario. How will your stable, tried-and-true household kitties adjust to the newcomer? Will the kitten get into trouble, especially with decorations, food, and unknown people thrown into the mix? Will you be able […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Dogs Life at Home New Pets Other Shelters & Fostering

A Shelter Shares Enrichment Tips For Pets At Home


Reading Time: 4 minutes Recently I volunteered with my husband and two nieces at a special place: Best Friends Animal Sanctuary. It’s the largest no-kill animal refuge in the United States, spanning nearly 3,700 acres of red rock canyon near Kanab, Utah. Hundreds of employees care for roughly 1,600 dogs, cats, horses, pigs, bunnies, parrots, and “wild friends.” Most […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home New Pets Shelters & Fostering

How To Set Your Kitten Up For Success


Reading Time: 2 minutes Spring is the time for new beginnings, flowers, sunshine, and kittens. Yes, kittens. Spring and summer are known as kitten season, for good reason. It’s the time of year that the tiny cats-to-be are born and, at the appropriate age, go to their new homes. Before you bring one of these cute kittens home, learn […]