Cats New Pets Veterinary Care

Your Kitten’s First Vet Visit: What To Expect


Reading Time: 2 minutes Preparing for a veterinary visit—especially a first one—involves more than just calling to make an appointment. We want to share some tips to help ensure that you provide your veterinarian with everything needed to give your kitten the best care and that you get the information you need about caring for her yourself. When does […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Other Training & Grooming

Why Fear Free? Behavior Expert Steve Dale Shares His Thoughts


Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever felt you are about to die? I mean that literally, like you’ve been held up at gunpoint or held out a window by your suspenders 30 stories up? I’ve suggested for years that too many of our pets at the veterinary clinic feel like they are being held up at gunpoint or are […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

To Make Cats Happy, Offer Choices, Enrichment


Reading Time: 3 minutes Cats can make great pets when we learn what each one needs to thrive, and then meet these needs. When we do, we have cats who are friendly, active, and safe. That makes them the great “low maintenance” companions we enjoy. But when things go wrong, fear, anxiety, and stress can be the result in […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Training & Grooming Travel & Safety

How You Can Treat Your Pet to a Bon Voyage


Reading Time: 3 minutes For humans and pets, flying is stressful, no doubt about it. But if you are planning to move cross-country this summer or take your pet on vacation with you, flying may be the best way to transport a dog or cat who will fit in a carrier that slides beneath your seat. Here are our […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

Beat Feline Boredom With 3 Fun Cat Games


Reading Time: 3 minutes Is your sofa arm shredded? Is the toilet paper off the roll and sprinkled like confetti on the bathroom floor? Are the items on your coffee table splattered across your living room floor? Ahem, your indoor cat is desperately trying to get your attention…and desperately trying to battle boredom. While studies show that indoor cats […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

Why Does My Cat Conduct “Gravity Experiments?” How Cats Play


Reading Time: 3 minutes How cats play varies between kitties, but there are some techniques nearly all share. My cat Seren-Kitty played “gravity experiments,” knocking things off tables, until the past few years. At age 21, she’s finally slowed down, but before that Seren never had an off-switch and was a cat-play maniac from the moment she entered my […]

Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home

Cat-cophony? Take The Fear Out Of Loud Noises


Reading Time: 3 minutes Do cats develop fears of loud noises such as fireworks? You bet! Cats have keen hearing that is as sensitive as that of dogs. We don’t always recognize that a cat may be fearful of loud noises because unlike dogs, who may engage in destructive behavior in an attempt to escape, the typical feline response […]

Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Travel & Safety Veterinary Care

Take The Scare Out Of Care


Reading Time: 3 minutes The scare of care begins at home for many cats. Being shoved into a carrier and taken on an unwanted car ride causes stress levels to rise and often become overwhelming before the cat ever sets paw inside the exam room. That cumulative unease and upset have a detrimental effect on the cat’s ability to […]

Cats Life at Home Senior Pets Veterinary Care

Forgetful Feline? Your Cat May Have Cognitive Dysfunction


Reading Time: 3 minutes Does your geriatric cat prowl the house late at night, yowling mournfully or “get lost” behind the toilet tank? Instead of giving a happy mrrrp when you return home from work, does she look confused, as if she doesn’t recognize you? Although your cat may still be in good physical condition, she may have developed […]

Cats Life at Home

Cat Talk: What Does “Elevator Butt” Mean?


Reading Time: 2 minutes For cat lovers, one of the most common feline postures can be puzzling. We know that cats communicate not only with meows and purrs, but also with scent and body position. A comical posture of happy, healthy cats, something I call “elevator butt,” actually communicates different information depending on the cat. The pose looks similar […]