Dogs Life at Home

What Can DNA Kits Reveal About Your Dog?


Reading Time: 3 minutes Canine DNA tests can be a fun and interesting tool for learning more about your favorite pooch but they’re not useful for making medical diagnoses or decisions about treatment. Here’s what to know about them. Ancestry DNA kits have become a popular way for people to fill gaps in their ancestral background and possibly learn […]

Cats Dogs Life at Home New Pets Shelters & Fostering

Introducing Cats and Dogs: How to Help Ensure Harmony in the Home


Reading Time: 3 minutes Picture this. You work in an open-plan office, but you simply don’t get along with the person in the desk alongside yours. Or someone in the office insists on wearing perfume that gives you a headache. Once you leave that office environment and go home, it’s fine, but the tension starts up again the next […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Other

Are You the Cause of Your Pet’s Stress?


Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s not only people who suffer from stress; our pets most certainly do, too. The question is, could you unknowingly be the cause of some of your pet’s anxiety? Everyday noises and events that humans take for granted, for instance, can cause pets to be fearful and anxious. And because pets, like people, react differently […]

Cats Life at Home

What’s in Your Cat’s DNA? Tests Are Fun but not Definitive


Reading Time: 3 minutes Cats are enigmatic and mysterious, but DNA testing kits are helping us to learn more about them. Here’s what you can find out about your fine feline, from ancestry to health. Interestingly, no DNA kits can precisely identify a cat’s genetic makeup in the same way the dog DNA tests can. That’s because dog breeds […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Dogs Life at Home Other Training & Grooming

7 Ways to Create Harmony in a Millennial Pet Household


Reading Time: 3 minutes Lots of factors set millennials apart from previous generations. For starters, they like to share things like houses and apartments. They are also adopting pets as family members before considering marriage and human children. This means that several pets can find themselves co-habiting too. Here’s what to consider to ensure that individual pets get along […]

Cats Dogs Other Training & Grooming Veterinary Care

Dental Care “Dos” for Your Pet’s Good Oral Health


Reading Time: 3 minutes Keeping a dog or cat’s mouth healthy is a key part of overall good health; after all, the mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body. Here are some ways to keep teeth clean without feeling as if it’s a chore for you and your pet. There is nothing more affectionate than big […]

Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Training & Grooming

Taking The Blues Out Of Doggie Bath Time


Reading Time: 3 minutes Lots of dogs don’t like bathtime because they are uncomfortable in the bathtub or shower stall. Fortunately, if you follow the Boy Scout credo of being prepared, it’s easy to turn bathtime into a fun time and get a dirty dog clean again. The primary reason dogs are hesitant to climb into the tub or […]

Activities & Enrichment Dogs Life at Home Training & Grooming

Agility For Fun Is A Positive Experience That Builds Confidence In Dogs


Reading Time: 3 minutes Lily may never earn a Master Agility Champion title, but the little Chinese Crested already has attained her championship in agility fun. The 2-year-old has always been uncertain, says owner Michelle Atkinson of Anaheim, California. “At home in her environment she’s the boss, but outside her comfort zone she’s fearful and shy.” She proved that […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Other

Planning A Party? How To Keep Anxiety (Yours And Your Pet’s) At Bay


Reading Time: 3 minutes When you have pets, party planning takes on a whole new meaning, and not necessarily in a good way. Many dogs and cats are spooked by the presence of strangers noisily enjoying themselves in the living room. Similarly, they don’t share any enthusiasm for backyard barbecuing or raucous swimming parties with children shrieking and splashing […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

Catio Life


Reading Time: 3 minutes Bird and butterfly watching – and even people watching — is more than an engaging pastime for cats. It gives them the mental and physical stimulation they need on a daily basis. Letting cats go outdoors on their own isn’t usually a safe option for them, but there’s an alternative for feline nature lovers: a […]