Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

How To Enrich Your Cat’s Dining Pleasure


Reading Time: 3 minutes Inside your housecat is the heart of a hunter. Nature made cats that way. For a cat, hunting for food is normal. When you provide your cat with an outlet to fulfill that natural instinct, he will be happier and healthier, both mentally and physically.  Cats who lack an outlet for this normal behavior may redirect pent-up […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

Enriching Cats: What You Need To Know


Reading Time: 2 minutes Feline what? Pay attention, Catvocates. This is the important stuff.  Enrichment is the dollars and sense of cat care: if you follow this common-sense advice, you’ll save dollars at the veterinary clinic. Cats Are Safest Indoors The American Association of Feline Practitioners recommends that people keep cats indoors in suburban and urban areas. Cats are […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Training & Grooming

Yes, You Can Train Cats!


Reading Time: 3 minutes Despite reputations for being aloof, many cats like to ham it up by performing tricks before an audience. I know firsthand as Casey, my orange tabby, feels right at home in the spotlight. That spotlight can be before students in my pet first aid classes where he happily volunteers to be toweled, have his pulse […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home Training & Grooming Travel & Safety

Leash Training for a Happier, More Confident Cat


Reading Time: 4 minutes Leash training your cat can be one of your most rewarding experiences as a pet parent: It makes for a cat who is more self-assured and outgoing. Your cat can explore the outdoors more safely. It enhances the bond you have with your cat. Many people who have tried leash training their cats give up […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Life at Home

Five Ways To Enrich Fear Free Happy Homes


Reading Time: 3 minutes More people than ever are maintaining their cats indoors only, and that’s great; life for cats is far safer inside, with no coyotes or cars to put them at risk. But cats require an enriched environment for their physical, mental and emotional health. When is an environment enriched? It’s a fine line. Change a cat’s […]

Cats Dogs Life at Home Other Training & Grooming

Making Baby-Friendly Pets—Even If You Don’t Have Kids


Reading Time: 3 minutes The mantra for so much is “plan ahead.” And this is especially true when the stork is expected. We all want for there to be a Lassie/Timmy connection between kids and pets, but that doesn’t always happen. It is more likely to occur, though, with a little help. And the way that families can prepare […]

Cats Life at Home

Become a “Catvocate!”


Reading Time: 2 minutes Hello, fellow cat lovers! I have a confession to make. Yep, I am just going to admit it. I am a passionate, cat-obsessed veterinarian, and I want to create a movement. The Catvocate Movement. I know that you are passionate about your cats, too. I want to share with you the best and latest information […]

Activities & Enrichment Cats Fears & Anxieties Life at Home New Pets

Boxes: Your Kitten’s Safe Spaces


Reading Time: 3 minutes If you spend any time online, you’ve seen photos of cats and kittens in cardboard boxes. Little kittens in big boxes, large cats squished into tiny boxes, and multiple cats all in the same box. People are fascinated by the feline species’ love of boxes. More Than A Cardboard Box For cats it’s more about […]

Cats Training & Grooming

Advanced Cat Grooming: Taming The Longhair’s Locks


Reading Time: 2 minutes Experts agree: When it comes to grooming longhaired kitties, starting young is the key to acceptance. A kitten who learns early to love and accept being groomed won’t have the fear that develops when grooming is rough or painful. The first thing to know about grooming longhaired cats is that not all their coats are […]

Cats Dogs Fears & Anxieties Life at Home Training & Grooming Veterinary Care

Medicating Your Pet: How To Get Pills And Liquids Down The Hatch


Reading Time: 3 minutes You can expect that at some time during your pet’s life, you will need to give her some medications. It may be antibiotics for an infection, daily thyroid medication, or a supplement to help keep her healthy. Some pets will end up on daily treatments for life. To ensure that medication does its job, you […]