In 2018 I am resolving to get more sleep. Studies show that, for a human, eight hours of sleep nightly is optimal. Less than that, and you have problems with your health, concentration, mood and weight.
Getting more sleep is easier said than done, though, if you live with a cat. A cat’s sleep cycle and a human’s sleep cycle often do not exist in harmony. Precisely during the prime hours of treasured human REM sleep between 4 and 6 am, our feline roommates are at their most active. Not good. It is very common for cats to wake their humans to be fed in these early morning hours.
To a cat, these early morning hours are prime hunting time. One of their favorite prey– mice–are most active at this time of day, er, night. Although our cats live inside with us, Mother Nature has programed them with a strong desire to hunt and eat during pre-dawn hours, whether we like it or not.
And we do not like it.
Without prey to hunt and eat in our homes, our cats are hunting our slumbering bodies and rousing us to get up and serve them food.
Is there another way? Yes!!!! Doc & Phoebe’s feeders or other types of food puzzles are the solution. Simply fill and hide the feeders before turning in for the night, and your cats can hunt for “prey” the way nature intended. And you can spend the early morning hours in your favorite way. ZZZZZZZZZ
Happy restful 2018.
This article was reviewed/edited by board-certified veterinary behaviorist Dr. Kenneth Martin and/or veterinary technician specialist in behavior Debbie Martin, LVT