Dogs 101


Reading Time: < 1 minutes Before you can build your dog’s best life with enrichment and activities, you need to make sure the foundation is solid. Nourishing food, fresh water, positive training, and upbeat grooming experiences all add up to a great base on which to build a happy, healthy, full life together. Find out how to make sure your […]

Cats 101


Reading Time: < 1 minutes One of the reasons we love cats is their independent natures. Even though they can be easy to care for, they have basic needs like any other pet. 

Behavior Problem Solving


Reading Time: < 1 minutes Many times when pet owners try to solve a behavior issue, we end up unintentionally making it worse. Whether it’s jumping up, chewing, or a fear-based issue, you can learn the basics of how to begin helping your dog with his undesirable behaviors. While there are no miracle cures, and we recommend consulting with your […]

Fear of Thunder or Fireworks


Reading Time: < 1 minutes During thunderstorms or fireworks, do you find your pet shivering, shaking, clinging to you, or hiding? These are signs of a possible noise phobia—something that thousands of pet owners deal with every day. Learn what noise phobias are as well as some Fear Free strategies for managing and preventing them.

Puppies 101


Reading Time: < 1 minutes Got a new puppy or thinking about getting one? Start everyone off on the right paw the Fear Free way. We’ll talk about socialization, house training, crate training, daily schedules, play, and much more!

Kittens 101


Reading Time: < 1 minutes Got a new kitten or thinking about getting one? Learn the basics of living with a cat. We’ll talk about kitten socialization, training, routines, and play, how to help with scratching, and much more!

Newly Adopted Pets


Reading Time: < 1 minutes Just adopted a cat or dog, or thinking about adopting one? We’ll talk about how to introduce new and existing pets, basic needs, training and socialization, and more.

Separation Anxiety


Reading Time: < 1 minutes A pet with separation anxiety shows distress when separated from family members. We don’t know exactly what causes separation anxiety; some pets may be genetically predisposed, or it may be a learned behavior or a combination of both. Find out what steps to take to help prevent separation anxiety before it starts as well as […]

Dogs 102: Home Life


Reading Time: < 1 minutes Although modern dogs have adjusted relatively well to living life in a home, they still need to be able to do what they were born to do, or they can become bored and unhappy. Enrichment gives power and choice back to the pet, and reduces tension that builds through the restriction of spending most of […]

Training 101


Reading Time: < 1 minutes As a pet owner, you love spending time with your pet. You like to have your dog accompany you on walks, hikes, and trips, and your cat when friends come over or when you are enjoying time outdoors. But those activities are only enjoyable if your pet enjoys them, too, and if they are behaving […]